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Big Brother 15 – Evening Campaigning

July 22, 2013 | 75 Comments
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Author: Steve Beans


One thing that isn’t getting old is how much the house has been back and forth on the MVP this week.  One minute they have it figured out (literally, almost down to the wording Julie used), the next minute they’re puzzled again because of the nomination.  Obviously we have the knowledge they don’t in this situation, but it’s funny in a cruel way to see them trying to figure out this twist that was placed on them.  We’re evil!


Now that our nominees are final until eviction, we have a very interesting group on the block. THE mean girl herself – Aaryn, and her partners in crime Kaitlin and GinaMarie. Much to the delight of the majority of viewers, one of them will be out the door this Thursday night, but don’t get your hopes up for a weird showdown with Julie.  She’ll likely be passive about the comments and not embarrass the houseguest on live tv (though I’m sure she’d want to).

GinaMarie is taking an aggressive approach, and thinks someone in the house is out to get her because she’s competitive and beautiful (her words).  This also managed to fool some who had the twist figured out because they don’t think America would vote for GM (they would, and they did).  Aaryn and crew actually think Elissa got MVP, didn’t tell anyone, nominated herself knowing she’ll win veto so she can backdoor a non-threat like GM.

Even if Elissa did nominate herself for some crazy reason, it’s almost shocking they think she would waste the backdoor opportunity on GM.  Their reasoning, because it would be too obvious if Howard or Spencer were nominated.   If you’re going to do something as bold as nominate yourself, you take out the strongest person… it’s hilarious they think otherwise.

It’s only Monday, but the campaigning has already started.  Aaryn is in the HOH room chatting with Judd about the chance of going home.  He doesn’t want to give her a definite yes or no, but I think he knows the reality.  Despite it being a bad move for about half the house, Aaryn will likely be sent packing…  That’s my recap up until this point, time to do some live blogging… refresh for updates!

4:15pm – The house is at it again with overlapping alliances, and last time this happened, it resulted in an insane blowup. Fingers are crossed this Thursday will be a repeat!

Aaryn is hoping for Amanda, McCrae, Jessie, Howard and Spencer to vote her way.  That would keep her safe, but I think she needs to look beyond Howard and Spencer.

Earlier update (around 2:30pm) – Elissa and Helen were chatting in the bathroom and Elissa mentions how Kaitlin told her that she had an abortion prior to coming on the show.  Look, I understand people like Elissa, but I am beginning to wonder if she lost the filter on her mouth.  Private things like that should probably remain private.

4:20pm – Aaryn mentioned something about an opportunity she had before joining Big Brother.  It was her dream job that involved traveling, etc.  Sure, she’s ignorant and says stupid stuff, but that is going to be an extra sting when she gets out.  Passes up a dream job to basically be the face of racism in the country.

4:35pm – Helen is up in the HoH room to talk about the vote with Elissa, Jessie, and Judd.  One thing I notice, Helen is starting to extend her words similar to Elissa.  Bad influence!

Anyway, the four of them are back to discussing the MVP. We’re going from gender vote to evicted houseguest vote.

Helen doesn’t mind keeping Aaryn for a week, but Elissa does not like her at all. While saying it’s nothing personal, it’s completely personal.

5:30pm – Back from getting a coffee. Helen, Spencer and Elissa in the HoH room talking about jury, etc.  Spencer said his main goal going into the game was to make jury.  That’s loser talk!  If I made the show, my goal is winning!  That’s something Adam (bb13) would say.

Also, Elissa goes on to reveal more on production creating fish. It was nice when she wouldn’t talk, there were a lot fewer fish.

Helen is trying to decide who can’t go to jury.  As of right now they have: Helen, Elissa, Spencer, Howard, Candice, Andy, Judd, with Amanda and McCrae pushing their way out.  This creates problems as Judd wants Jessie in, so there will be some drama soon.  My question is, why all this jury talk?  I get it, you want the extra guaranteed money by making it to the end of the game, but jury should be a guaranteed.

5:50pm – The group is still together chatting in the HoH, and we get fish every 2 seconds because they’re talking about production, Aaryn’s personal life, etc.   One bit we got was that Aaryn was a finalist for RW on MTV (real world I guess?).

Took a break for a break.. not much happened anyway. Some game talk, but mostly relaxing time.

9:45pm – Amanda, McCrae, Helen and Elissa are chatting about the vote this week.  Most of them are working on getting Kaitlin out, but Elissa’s hatred of Aaryn is messing with her decisions.  Helen then came up to the room to reveal Aaryn is basically a lost puppy and wants to stay in the house.  Look, I don’t think Aaryn is a sweetheart, but voting her out this week is a horrific decision if you’re aligned with Amanda and McCrae.

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Most Votes Received

Name Wins
Cameron Hardin 14
Kirsten Elwin 13
Jag Bains 12
Reilly Smedley 12
Brandon Frenchie 11

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Name Wins
Felicia Cannon 8
Taylor Hale 6
Brittany Hoopes 5
Terrance Higgins 5
Xavier Prather 5

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Name Wins
Jag Bains 7
Michael Bruner 5
Brittany Hoopes 4
Kyland Young 3
Xavier Prather 3

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Matt Turner 3
Bowie Jane 3
Michael Bruner 3
Monte Taylor 3
Cameron Hardin 3
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