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Big Brother 21 – Post Eviction Feed Updates

July 19, 2019 | 172 Comments
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Author: Steve Beans

Good evening, everyone!

Just like that, we’re down to 13 and we’re down to a pissed off house. About time!

Shockingly, Christie actually went through with her plan to evict Cliff and now Nick and Bella don’t know what to think. I really thought they were going to chicken out and keep the peace for another week or so, but they actually did it and are just hoping on the stupidity of Bella and Nick. I must say, it was probably the best time to do it because now it’s just Bella playing for the HoH. Well, maybe not ‘best’ time because there are still people who can win the HoH and take shots at the 6, but it was a good time.

The feeds have returned, so I am not going to babble too much. Get them here for free and watch along!

Also, thank you again for the donations!

  • 7:35 pm – Feeds back!
    • Bella is talking to Jack, Sam, and Jackson.
    • She is saying how shitty it feels to not be unanimous.
    • Bella is suggesting that the 9 of them (their alliance) all get together and agree to only talk game to each other and treat the rest of the house like camp comeback with no game talk
    • Jack said they had that and nobody followed it. He tells her to look into his eyes and tell him he didn’t talk game to a single camper
    • She says no she didn’t. She only told David she hopes he comes back. That’s it
    • In other room, Christie calls Cliff a comp beast lol
    • Bella gives Jack a hug and says ‘no hard feelings. I feel honored you feel threatened by me’ hahaha
  • In another room, Christie, Sis, Tommy, and Holly have been working dumber.
    • They are playing damage control and doing well because dumb and dumber are morons (nick and bella)
    • Sis is saying how she hates Cliff.
    • Everyone has left the room but Sis and Nick. He is still bummed and she is left to do the damage control on her own.
  • 8:00 pm – Christie is now upstairs stringing Sam along. He is asking her if they’re still on track to get out Jack and Jackson hahahaha
    • Sam – I can still trust you, right?  Christie – Yes.  Hahahah
    • Downstairs, Jack and Jackson  (and Holly and Tommy) are in the boat room. Jackson says he’s sick of playing buddy buddy with Nick and Bella. He’s ready to play Big Brother
    • Side note – Tommy is everywhere at all times
    • Tommy tells them how they planted the seed that Nick should pull away from Bella
    • Holly jumps in and tells Jack and Jackson to stop talking about Kat. The reason they didn’t tell Kat was that they can use her as a mole. She says no more mentioning Kat at all
  • In another room, Tommy is talking to Cliff
    • Cliff basically reveals his game to Tommy which is to sit back and let the 8 duke it out while he floats along
    • He says if he wins HoH he’ll nominate Jess and Kat
    • At least he admits he’s pointless.
    • Nicole is relieved talking to Tommy in another room
    • Tommy tells he wants Nicole to win HoH because there is a plan. They are all gunning for it as well. They want Nick and Bella out
  • 9:00 pm – Feeds down for veto
  • 10:00 pm – Feeds still down
  • 11:00 pm – Feeds back
    • Cliff won the HoH!
    • From doghouse to penthouse. Pretty big boost for him
    • The question will be if he decides to actually make a move or do what he said and put up Jess and Kat.

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Big Brother Stats

Most Votes Received

Name Wins
Cameron Hardin 14
Kirsten Elwin 13
Jag Bains 12
Reilly Smedley 12
Brandon Frenchie 11

Most Nominated

Name Wins
Felicia Cannon 8
Taylor Hale 6
Brittany Hoopes 5
Terrance Higgins 5
Xavier Prather 5

Most Veto Wins

Name Wins
Jag Bains 7
Michael Bruner 5
Brittany Hoopes 4
Kyland Young 3
Xavier Prather 3

Most HOH Wins

Name Wins
Matt Turner 3
Bowie Jane 3
Michael Bruner 3
Monte Taylor 3
Cameron Hardin 3
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