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Big Brother 21 – Week 1 PoV Meeting Results

June 30, 2019 | 180 Comments
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Author: Steve Beans

Good afternoon, everyone!

Just checking in before work to update you on the pov meeting. I chose to work Sunday because it’s typically one of the slower days in the house, but this entire week has screwed me up.  So, if there is a lot of fallout from the veto meeting, hopefully Mrs Beans can cover it here.

As expected, the veto was indeed used to save Cliff which guarantees his safety for the week and prevents the old guy from being evicted first this year (hard to say David has been evicted until we find out what happens Wednesday). The final noms for the week are Ovi and Kat and if votes were to happen today, Ovi would be screwed. However, listening to Jackson talk to Kat yesterday, it’s clear she is wearing on everyone very quickly. Despite reassurances from nearly everyone in the house, she is convinced she is getting voted out. Ironically, this may be one of those situations where it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy because she really may be evicted due to her annoyance level. If you crack when you’re on the block and you’re not the target, there is a very good chance your alliance will find you mentally weak and get rid of you.


  • 12:00 pm – Christie is telling Kat that she’s going to tell Ovi he is a pawn and needs her to stay cool. Haha Good luck with that.
    • Ovi is starting to break down a bit. Christie tells him that Kat’s going to dig a hole for herself, and I don’t think she’s wrong.
  • They talk for a bit, Christie leaves and talks to Sam
    • She re-tells the conversation and says she is going to have to act salty to him today because she told Ovi she was blindsided by him using it. It’s an act if you see it

Heading to work, I’ll update later



Hi, guys! It’s later and Steve’s at work, so he told me to update if anything exciting happens.   ~Mrs. Beans~

  • Nothing exciting is happening.
  • I just found out there’s a HG named Holly. When did this happen?
  • Jackson is making salmon and halibut for dinner. I had haddock for dinner. Thought you might like to know that.

  • Jackson and Kathryn are talking in the kitchen saying the vote should be unanimous to give Ovi the boot.
  • Nicole, Isabella, Jessica, Kemi, Sam, and Nick are talking in the backyard. They’re also saying the vote will be unanimous.

  • Nick keeps going on and on about how Kathryn should just be a pawn all the time since she doesn’t have the physical or mental capacity to win comps.
  • Jack and Tommy were in the bathroom talking game, then Kathryn pokes her head in and interrupts them. I swear that girl is everywhere.
  • Sam is in another room now, talking to Holly and Analyse and explaining how he was being vague to Christie about whether he’s using the veto, and he tells them that Ovi should go since he’s a bigger threat than Kat. Sam doesn’t seem to think much of Kathryn.
  • Did you notice that I know the difference between Sam and Nick now? I am very proud of myself for that.
  • Christie joined the outdoor crew (Sam and Nick have left by then) and Ovi comes over and plops down next to them. Christie left quickly and now they’re just talking about Jessica’s tattoo.  Yawn.
  • Moving over to the pantry where Tommy and Jack have migrated to, most likely hiding from Kathryn since she seems to follow everyone around. They’re saying that one of them HAS to get the “power.”
  • Christie rejoined the backyard crew. I thought something interesting would happen, but they’re just talking about manicures.

  • Kemi asked what everyone thinks is happening on the show tonight. I’m a bad BB blogger, since I totally forgot there was an episode on tonight. The live shows are the only ones worth watching anyway.
  • Welp, I should go watch the show (thank you, DVR). Either Steve or I will be back later!

Another update!

  • Ovi won the power. He has the ability to turn one HoH’s rein into a nightmare. It’s only good for the first 6 nominations of the game though. He can wake everyone up in the middle of the night, make the HoH name 2 new nominations, and remain incognito as the one with the power. Hmm…
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Big Brother Stats

Most Votes Received

Name Wins
Cameron Hardin 14
Kirsten Elwin 13
Jag Bains 12
Reilly Smedley 12
Brandon Frenchie 11

Most Nominated

Name Wins
Felicia Cannon 8
Taylor Hale 6
Brittany Hoopes 5
Terrance Higgins 5
Xavier Prather 5

Most Veto Wins

Name Wins
Jag Bains 7
Michael Bruner 5
Brittany Hoopes 4
Kyland Young 3
Xavier Prather 3

Most HOH Wins

Name Wins
Matt Turner 3
Bowie Jane 3
Michael Bruner 3
Monte Taylor 3
Cameron Hardin 3
More stats to come!
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